woensdag 26 november 2014

4 weeks until christmas!

It's almost the time of the year when you may decorate your house in christmas style! Evenings are getting darker and days are getting colder. It's time for candels, plaids and hot chocolate! Let's be honest who doesn't LOVE christmas?? Here are some quick christmas teamed DIY's to make your house christmas ready!

What do you need?

Paper trees

  • book pages
  • cardboard
  • glue
  • large cocktail sticks

Pin your cocktailstick in a piece of cardboard and secure it with a drip of glue. Cut from the bookpages small and big squares. Pin the squares from big to smaller on your cocktailstick. Pin a small piece of cardboard followed by a square of bookpage. Add a star on top of your tree for the finishing touch.

  • wire
  • pearls
You can experiment a lot with this DIY. Just try some moves with the wire and hopefully in the end you'll have a christmas tree :)

  • snow spray
  • ribbon
  • jars
Spray the snow on your jar. After that you can draw in the 'snow' with your fingers. I made a heart and wrote the word X-mas. But at this point you can be very creatieve.

I started blogging in English as you can read. That's because more than 50% of my viewers are from other countries than the Netherlands. I think I have a long way to go until my English is as good as yours, english readers.

XX Lydia

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