woensdag 18 februari 2015

coconut oil?!

It's getting more populair: coconut oil. And there is a reason for I think. But I didn't discover it until last week. I did some research and discovered a lot of cool recepies with coconut oil. You can do so much more with coconut oil than backing and cooking! Here I will show you some awesome ideas. Enjoy it!

Cofee coconut scrub
Klick the link for this recepie
coconut scrub
Add to your tea
Instead of sugar you can add coconut oil to your tea or coffee. It gives a special taste. I'm not yet sure if I like it but it's definitely worth trying it.

Add to your salad
Here is a cool recepie for a salad dressing. I didn't try this one yet but it's on my list for this summer!

Add to your popcorn
Home made popcorn is sooooo goood! But next time I watch a film with friends I'll make popcorn with coconot oil. How? Cook them in coconut oil instead of vegetable oil. You can also finish your popcorn with coconut oil. So instead of sugar or salt you add coconut oil.

On toast instead of butter
Just use coconut oil on your toast instead of butter.

Homemade lipbalm
I always wanted to try this! Now I'm definitely going to! Klick the link for the recepie.
Homemade lipbalm

Homemade granola
It looks so tasty! I tried it this morning and It was delicious
homemade ganola

Mix in Bath water
The next time I take a bath I'll try this. Just add a bit of coconut butter and it'll melt in your bath. It gives you a softer skin.

This are 8 simple recepies with coconut oil. If you have some more time search the internet! You are surprised by the things you can do with coconut oil!

SHARE it with your friends and let me know in a COMMENT what you think of coconut oil!


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