woensdag 1 april 2015

3000 pins!

Those of you who read my blog for a while now will know that I have an opsession with Pinterest. I love all the ideas I find there and all the beautiful pictures that inspire me every day again. I am an active pinner for more than 2 years now and this is what hours of scrolling behind my laptop has brought me. 26 boards filled with inspiration for every moment of the day, 58 followers and last week I hitted the 3000 pins!!

Enough reason for me to look at all those pins and make a selection for you! I made a selection of my most favorite boards, DIY, FOOD, HOME AND DESIGN and of course FASHION. Have a look and follow me on Pinterest!

I love this board so much. When I'm in a craft mood but I have no inspiration i just take a look at this board and in no time I know what to do. I know there is not enough time to make all these DIY's, every day the list gets longer, but they are all on my list.

Before I go shopping I look at this board and see what is still on my wish list. It inspires me also to make new combinations with the items I already have.

The one thing I shouldn't do is looking at this board when I'm hungry. But I do it all the time...
On Pinterest you see often very easy recpies with unexpected good compinations.

On this board I safe pictures that inspire me for my (far in the) future house. I know, I know all these ideas will never fit into one house but if it was posible I would try them all.

New on the sidebar a link to my Pinterest. With just one click you can flip through all of my pins.
I didn't post something on my blog for a while because I was too busy with school... But this month I will try to post more regular so you all have something to look forward to *Fingers crossed*

XX Lydia

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