vrijdag 6 maart 2015

Diy landmap

Last week I went to sostrene grene.  A lovely shop with home and DIY stuff. I came across this amazing paper, it's black and you can write on it with chalk crayons. I always wanted a map where I can mark places I've been. And that's what I made. As you can see I haven't been in many places. But in the future I hope to travel a lot. And especially out of Europe.  

I framed the paper for a more complete look. As you can see I didn't manage to draw the South-East of Europe. I find it very hard to draw all those small and large countries. So when I travel to any of those countries I have to give it another go!

Here you see a close-up of the paper. It actually is a sticker so very easy to stick on your wall too!

I hope you like it, do you have any favorite places? I definitely have, I once been to Corsica but really want to return someday.

See you soon!

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