woensdag 11 maart 2015

I LOVE tulle

Tulle; [tool ; French tyl] noun,
a thin, fine, machine-made net of acetate, nylon, rayon, or silk.

This is what the dictionary says about tulle. You see it more and more in the fashion world and in stores. You have to have a lot of self-convidence to wear it. But I realy love looking at these skirts from tulle.
Maby a bit overdone for a normal day but for a date night or a party definitely a go! So have a look at these pictures and let them inspire you!

Someday I will find the perfect opportunity to wear something like this. Until than we have to look and dream about it!
For the creatives among us, you can make a tulle skirt very easy by yourselves

See you soon! 
Love Lydia

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